genealogy speaker
Fort Worth Genealogical Society
"Forgotten Treasures in the Texas Courthouse" Fort Worth Public Library 500 W. 3rd Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 392-7323
I’ve Got My Ancestry DNA Report: Evaluating My Test Results For Connections (Intermediate)
This presentation takes understanding the DNA report to the next level. We will touch on the Ancestry DNA Ethnicity Report, but more importantly, we will calculate found matches, evaluate the […]
Forgotten Treasures in the Texas Courthouse: Discovering the Miscellaneous Records
Emily Fowler Denton County Library 502 Oakland St, Denton, TexasAre you looking for context and documentation? Do you have an ancestor that seems to have slipped between the cracks? Then these Texas gems hidden away in our county courthouses […]
Birth to Death and In-Between: Finding, Using, and Integrating Religious Records in the United States
McHenry County Gen SocietySo much information and so little time! Religious records are another document group that sometimes seems complicated to search out and access. This presentation includes an overview with specific examples […]
Birth to Death and In-Between: Finding Christian Religious Records in the United States
George W. Hawkes Arlington Downtown Public Library 100 S. Center Street, Arlington, TXSo much information and so little time! Religious records are another document group that sometimes seems complicated to search out and access. This presentation includes an overview with specific examples […]